Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 2

Had an okay night with sleep. We got up and went to the bus station and took the bus to la Fortuna. This took about 4 hours in an old Greyhound type bus which was better than anticipated. It was not a "chicken bus" which was nice. The new thing in Costa Rica is wifi at the hotels and hostels. It not the best but there is access! It is extremely hot and humid here. We are making plans to see the volcano called Arenal and the hot springs tomorrow. We may try to see a waterfall but we haven't decided yet. The tours are a little more pricey in comparison with other things. Getting more comfortable with my Spanish, but it's still hot and no a/c. We did find the first place with air -- a bank. After we walked around for a short time we decided that it was too hot and hung in the hotel until it cooled down. We then took a nice walk around the city. We made ourselves dinner which was nice. I'm all together for the big day tomorrow seeing the arenal volcano and Bali hot springs.

P.S. I can make calls home for free with skype. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. The hotsprings in Costa Rica are A-MAZ-ING! One of the highlights of my time there.

    Beware of naked cab drivers. My Costa Rican low point. Ask me the story some day...
