Sunday, July 17, 2011

Another day of Travel

We were woke up by the heavy rain and then by someone's alarm clock that just kept going off. We ate and got dressed and then decided to try a hike. We didn't realize that it was going to be as crazy as it was. We ended up taking a taxi part of the way and then not making it to the top because it was really hot And up a hill. There was an even greater distance from there. We were both slipping and falling on our trek. So we walked back so we wouldn't be late for the bus. And then we traveled to San Jose then Cartago and finally arrived in Orosi. It is unfortunate that the public transit system here stems from San Jose because it adds a lot of time on our trips. It of course was raining since it rains here everyday at 3:00. It is nice to be back where there is some predictability. The only problem is that I have been speaking English all weekend and it was a little difficult to transition back to Spanish. I was only speaking Spanish to get directions and talk to people but nothing consistent. I return to class tomorrow. We are already planning our trip for my last weekend here (next week) to Tortuguero to see the turtles.

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