Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 1 of Spanish Class

Today I got up and went to my first day of class. I have a teacher to myself so basically a 1:1 tutor. This is good because she is able to push me. We started with assessments including conversation and flashcards. I did better than I thought I would. I don't even realize the skills I do have. We agreed that I am intermediate and began to work. I played a game with the other 2 students that was difficult. It was describing words for the person to guess in Spanish. Afterwards, Meredith and I dropped off our things and took the bus up to Cartago. She wanted to purchase a phone. This was extremely difficult as I was her translator. We were successful except her phone isn't working. We got me a towel, yay!

The kids are very interested in my phone. They like all the games on it. They also really liked showing me the English they knew and wanted me to tell them more words in English. Things are good.

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